Break-Through with Affiliate Marketing

Are you looking for business opportunities online? Maybe you tried some aspects of online marketing before and became discouraged, or the timing was wrong, or a full-time job took up all of your time. Some circumstance has brought you back for a second look.

Let me help you find your answers.

 Maybe you considered affiliate marketing before, but at the time, you found the field confusing and filled with unprofessional, fly-by-night individuals sporting hastily built websites, or companies, all out to make a quick buck. At least it seemed like that.

That was often true in the early days of affiliate marketing. But more often it was a case of early adapters facing steep learning curves. For me, it was about the ability to build any website, much less a professional one. A shout-out to the warriors who faced down and conquered the learning curve giants!

With a little help from my friends at Wealthy Affiliate, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, which just keeps getting brighter and brighter.

As technology began to catch up with desire to do, platforms such as Word Press and Wealthy Affiliate made it possible to do anything online that one could dream up to do.

Would you like to know why I love Wealthy Affiliate? 

Push the big blue button to find out why.

Or scroll down and read more.

Show me one thing that is too hard!

Photo of Donna

Donna (aka Deelilah)

Yes, this is me, your Wealthy Affiliate guide. In the spirit of truth, I discovered the most fun little ap to do realistic avatars. This is an up-to-date photo in which I have been given what I call a digital face-lift. LOL. I can share more with you when we begin to communicate inside WA. If you want to read my story, visit my About Donna page.

If you want to learn about the Wealthy Affiliate Owners and their special vision, visit “The Forgotten Geniuses. . ..” Page and learn about free hosting on one of the largest, fastest web hosting services available.  

Heads up! I did not hire a web builder to design and build this website. If you join me in Wealthy Affiliate, that is one of the first things you will learn how to do. 


Welcome to my breakthrough with Affiliate Marketing. Wealthy Affiliate is my one-stop shop– And it truly is a ONE STOP SHOP for all things related to online business success. My job is to show you where to find and where to learn how to use all the tools, knowledge, and support you might need to conquer the learning curve (make that learning curves) and achieve your goals.

Inside Wealthy Affiliates platform, you’ll have access to top-notch training, including in-depth SEO and PPC training, college-quality courses, and a powerful keyword platform. Our friendly community is always there to offer guidance and support, and our hands-on owners ensure that you receive the personal attention you need. I know what it’s like to be lost in a wilderness of online information. And these days, it’s very difficult to keep up with the changing technologies. 

If you’re like me, you are fascinated with and excited by AI and coming opportunities because of it, yet a little nervous. Such trepidation lies in the not knowing. This is one of my main reasons for recommending Wealthy Affiliate, because it is  running in the forefront of new technology. We have an array of classes at Wealthy Affiliate, training in techniques and use cases many people have not even thought to use.

Would you love to embrace the change. Follow me.

Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced marketer, Wealthy Affiliate has something for you–  

Stylized photo of girl working on laptop in tropical setting

Top of the Curve: AI

Have you wondered about all the hoop-la over ChatGPT and other AI platforms? Well, some of it is true, and some of it isn’t. But it’s an exciting tool for writers, artists, etc., etc. And Wealthy Affiliate is at the top of the curve for teaching when, where, and how to properly use it. 

You see, AI, used improperly, can produce negative results, which we learn how to avoid by following the experts at Wealthy Affiliate.

Do you worry how AI is replacing certain kinds of jobs and how that might affect your future? That is another reason why this is exactly the right time to explore multiple online opportunities. Someone in Wealthy Affiliate will always be there to answer your questions. We love to help you turn your negatives into positives.  


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“When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.” (Thomas Sowell)

Find Everything You Need On One Platform

I cannot properly describe how important this is: Find everything you need on one platform. Some of you are new to online marketing, but more than a few of you have been down this path before, and you will know what I am talking about. In either case, You’ve come this far. Good choice! Read on.

A short testimonial: When I started to seriously look into affiliate marketing, I was greener than springtime. I had no idea how many choices were available, good or bad. I was eager. And I was gullible. I was also fortunate because I did not fall for a really expensive plan. Because they are definitely out there.

I discovered Wealthy Affiliate relatively soon into my online journey, but I had not gotten over the shiny-object-syndrome. To really get my meaning, I refer to you to the quote above. There was one company that continually tickled my ears with catchy click-bait titles and super low prices. . .

They told me what I wanted to hear. Then upsell after upsell. Nothing I bought worked without another upgrade. Wealthy Affiliate is all inclusive. When I decided to get serious and got to work, I found everything I needed – from start to finish – ALL INCLUSIVE. I refer you to the section directly below for more information.

Or push the green button, now, and get started.



“Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes playing a poor hand well.”

(Jack London)


What You Could Get

Would you like to find exactly what you expect to receive on the Wealthy Affiliate Platform, and then find out that what we said about it was actually true? Wouldn’t that be refreshing? I will leave that up to you to decide– but here’s the thing– it is all there, everything I am saying.

There is a caveat, however. And that is, if you think you will find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, that you can plug in a few minutes, or even a few hours, to building a real and successful online business, think again– or head on out into some artificially lit twilight zone. They’re out there. 

This is a legitimate online business and affiliate marketing platform. Save yourself three years educating yourself in a four-year degree university. Online is here. Hop on board or get left behind. 


In the next section, discover more specialties that the University of Wealthy Affiliate offers.

If you want to learn more now, click the big green button below these blurb titles and be taken to the Wealthy Affiliate Home Page.

Or, continue to explore this website. There’s a lot more to talk about.


Start for Free

If you want to take your time and explore everything this platform has to offer, for free, here is the place to start. Whiz through Level I Core Training and build your first website. Before long you will see that Wealthy Affiliate supplies all the tools one needs to start and run a successful business.



Friendly Community

Meet the friendly people who are happy to direct you. If I had any negative to add, it would be that there is so much available, one could get Lost. But soon you will know if Wealthy Affiliate is the opportunity you hoped to find. Meet Maria. Read her view of the affiliate marketing industry.


College Quality Training

At heart, I am still a professional student. Aside from completing a 4 year degree in Business and Marketing over the course of 10 years, 3 online writing (degree) courses, and multiple Great Course, I am now enrolled in the Wealthy Affiliate University, which I whole-heartedly endorse.

Keyword Platform

The Jaaxy Platform Keyword Search  tool, depending on your requirements, is valued at $99 per month, but is included in all the levels at Wealthy  Affiliate, includ- ing the Free Starter Membership. Find out easily and exactly what your customers are looking for. Your instructors are waiting.

World Class Support

Wealthy Affiliate offers easy to access support on the front end– where we all live. Here super friendly folks stop by the chat room to visit and answer the questions from new and old members. And behind the scenes, where tech-heads live, find fast fixes for those knotty problems requiring technical assistance.


With over 2,000,000 members, I don’t know how they do it, but Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim, co-founders of the Wealthy Affiliate Platform, somehow manage to  maintain a personally helpful and accessible leadership style. Read more about Kyle, Carson, the early years and the evolution of Wealthy Affiliate in the My Wealthy Affiliate Review page.

Pay Per Click Training

When done properly, PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising can put Affiliate Marketing on Steroids. Never fear diving into specialized methods of doing online sales and marketing. At Wealthy Affiliate, there are more than one expert trainers in this field. This is one of those cases of – if I can do it, you can do it for sure. What I always say – See you in school.

In Depth SEO Training

SEO, which means search engine optimization, is one of the most misunderstood components of successful internet marketing. It is also at the top of the list for being most important. Without an understanding of SEO, one cannot be successful in any online business. Why? Because nobody will ever find your website. Find exceptional training at WA.


Choose A Plan That Works For You

When considering what you personally need to build your online presence, Wealthy Affiliate serves up a variety of options. 

These options range from free to supplying you with your own private server. If you choose to check these options out follow the link below.






Join Our Community 

There is always one more thing  to talk about when describing Wealthy Affiliate’s attributes. I will close this page with a few words about our community.

Did you ask yourself what is it you want to find as you scroll these pages.

How about camaraderie?

Camaraderie is that warm feeling groups of people share with common interests or goals. You can find friendship, closeness, and loyalty within our Wealthy Affiliate community. Many are helpful. We believe what comes around goes around.

Do you sometimes wish to meet people who share your interests, even very specialized pursuits? Find friends working in the same field as you are.

Check out all the information and training on online business niches. And if your unsure what yours could be, well there are answers to that question too.