Let Artificial Intelligence help with those mundane tasks
Wealthy Affiliate AI Academy
With every passing day, AI changes. How we use it to our collective and individual benefits change, what feels like weekly and even daily.
Wealthy Affiliate works relentlessly to provide updated information about AI and regularly offers new classes on AI tools for use in our online businesses, blogging, affiliate marketing and more. Explore the entire platform with a free starter membership. See for yourself, with no further commitment, no credit card required, what Wealthy Affiliate offers within its all-inclusive business and training platform.
It is true, Wealthy Affiliate is known for its excellent affiliate marketing training. But since its early inception in 2005, it has evolved and grown into the premier online marketing and business training platform that you will discover today, exceeding rivals in all areas, but especially in thoughtful pricing and care for its members.
As a part of this community for nearly eight years, I am impressed with Wealthy Affiliate’s continual addition of new and updated training, which now includes Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other cutting edge technologies as they appear in the market.

Do keyword research with Wealthy Affiliate’s AI tools
Inside Wealthy Affiliate reside many experts and trainers on a multitude of online business subjects. Jay Neil, Magistudio, sits at the top of the heap. He is Wealthy Affiliate’s resident affiliate marketing guru. Last night, 8/14/23, I watched the first segment of Jay’s newest Premium Plus training series titled:
AI Implementation: A Step-by-Step Guide
In this series, Jay is taking us through the entire process of building an affiliate marketing business using AI tools. It is jaw-dropping good!
Let me clarify. We use our AI pals, i.e., ChatGPT, etc., to assist us in our work, cutting hours of time, particularly in areas of research.
Keyword research is the first key to nailing down your perfect choice of niches. In Wealthy Affiliate’s Jaaxy Keyword platform, AI, is there to help. And Jay shows us, live, how to do it.

For Your Burning Questions, GPT3 or GPT4?
Or Claude? Or a New Bot Assistant?
Want AI Help with Research or Organization? Social Media, Video, Scripts or Advertising?

Help with Mundane Tasks
It is for the professional help with boring, time-consuming, but needful work that I appreciate AI assistance. For example, it takes enormous amounts of time to do the preliminary work in producing blog content– So much, in fact, by the time I gather the knowledge, organize it, note references, and etc., I come under tremendous pressure to finish the piece and by that time, in this day and age, it’s old news.

Fact-finding & Research
The following holds true for any online pursuit one might have. But taking a blog writer as an example, your chat friend, such as ChatGPT3 or 4, or Anthropic’s Claude, can save you unbelievable amounts of time in your up-front planning and preparatory work. He can rapidly search across many sources to gather relevant background information, data points, and story examples on a blog post topic. There is so much more!
daily users
This is where I expound on the Wealthy Affiliate community. If you are like me, you occasionally need help to understand a technique or concept. Inside the platform, someone is always available to help, including the hands-on owners, Kyle and Carson.
Or maybe, you are super smart about a subject and would enjoy sharing your expertise. In either case, the unique social makeup of the Wealthy Affiliate platform is a standout.
And these days, we’re all about the many benefits of AI technology. Come join us as we journey together into the futures of our various online endeavors.
Trust me, AI can help in so many ways. And Wealthy Affiliate classes teach us how, when, where, and why to use it.

Features Coming up — what can ai do for you?
Amazing Content You Will Create with AI!
Well, the world is your apple — and I’m not talking about iPhones. New software, plugins, extensions and multiple uses for AI are taking the online market by storm. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Yes, it is a heady undertaking. But AI is super easy to learn — with proper instruction — and it will not be expensive. In fact, Wealthy Affiliate classes teach us how do most projects for free.
Is learning AI a total piece of cake? Well, no. It’s a little more like eating your vegetables. Like any worthwhile endeavor, It takes a commitment on your part. OK, enough with the food metaphors. You get the idea. You can have your cake and eat it too! But . . .
Who can you trust? Where can you find comprehensive training? Where can you find any training at all?
If it is a friendly one-stop-shop, where you can learn how to build a state-of-the-art website — and your own online business platform using AI help, read the points below and discover why Wealthy Affiliate is the best and the most trustworthy choice to be found around town.

No Credit Card Required
Are you tired of trying 7-day free trial offers? Yeah, me too! Then, it’s wrong, or doesn’t work, or they upsell me ad nauseum — Then I forget to cancel.
Would you like to look around a program without first entering a credit card?
Wealthy Affiliate offers a Free Starter Program — No credit card required. Stay forever for free, if you want.

4.8 Stars at Trust Pilot
Out of 570+ reviews, Wealthy Affiliate receives near perfect scores. Do you want to trust the one you’re with? Or do you want to know without a doubt that the online training platform you choose is trustworthy and has your best interests in mind. Wealthy Affiliate’s point of view, from the top down, is to “treat others as you wish to be treated.” Ours is a caring community — who use AI for good.

Unlock your creative potential with AI
I am a little older than your average Mama Bear, which only means my physical parts aren’t keeping up with my eternal consciousness. It goes faster and I go slower.
You see, I have so much information tucked into this little brain, it needs a little help, now and then, to remember things I once knew, or maybe even things I learned this morning. LOL. Exageration? Not! But the ideas and the possibilities keep crowding in. And to those I give priority.
Artificial Intelligence, AI tools, help me in so many ways. Let me count the ways:
Check out how people are using
AI at Wealthy Affiliate
“Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing.”
(Oscar Wilde)
Read My Blogs in WA
Read member blogs for free, including Kyle’s.
Meet Kyle & Carson (Wealthy Affiliate Founders)
These owners are accessible.
Hear Jay’s Live Training Every Friday
Level up: Premium
Hear Eric Cantu, WA Super Affiliate, on YouTube AI
For the best: Premium Plus
Hear Vitaliy, Super Affiliate, on Pay Per Click Marketing
Don’t wait: Premium Plus
“To change one’s life; start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions.”
(William James)
Ready to Enroll in Wealthy Affiliate’s AI Academy?
When you click this link, you will arrive at Wealthy Affiliate’s Home Page. And there you will find more in-depth information– all this before you are even asked for an email address.
Study the information on this welcome page– and then, come on in. More questions? The answers are a click away.
See you there! I can’t wait to meet you in person.