Meet the Online Business and Training Platform that Empowers Over 2 Million Members


Do you have a passion and want to learn how to express it? Would you like to know how to turn your passion into a smartly run and profitable business? Wealthy Affiliate can help you do that. Theirs is an online business and training platform truly unlike any other, presented within a personalized community of experts and friendly members all willing to help. “Why would they do that,” you ask. Because the philosophy from the top down is:

What comes around goes around


 Discover your strength, put it on, and wear it! (deelilah) 

“Let me tell you the secret that has led to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.” – Louis Pasteur –

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is big news right now, and the learning curve can be steep. One of the neat things about Wealthy affiliate is, it is on top of new trends and technologies. If you want to learn how to scale your online marketing business using AI, this is the place to go. And if WA is already tuned into AI, you know you can trust them in all things technical, e.g., website hosting. Check it out.


What is Affiliate Marketing?

A simple way to explain this is: a product (brand), company, service, and etc., wants to increase their sales, so they more, or less, hire affiliates to help them do this.

Think about Amazon. They have one of the largest affiliate networks in the world. See what Google says:

“The Amazon Associates program is the largest affiliate marketing program online. It allows creators, publishers, and bloggers to monetize web traffic by promoting Amazon products in their content.”

At Wealthy Affiliate, not only do we learn about all affiliate types. including Amazon, we learn about all the online marketing types. Our online choices are huge.


Wealthy Affiliate Trains People  To Work Effectively on the Web



The formula is quite simple if we don’t allow ourselves to get lost in the weeds – and this is not as easy as it sounds. There are enough shiny objects out there to last for a lifetime, to keep us busy and broke. I have chased after Alice’s rabbit more than a few times. Did you know he has a name? It’s Nivens McTwisp. How’s that for going off-point?

The point is FOCUS. Wealthy Affiliate shows us how to do that and everything else to do with internet marketing. The following are short synopsis. Click into each block for more in depth information.


STEP 1: Choose Your Best Path (Niche) Love Going to Work Passion & Purpose

Virtually any product or service is a candidate for marketing online. Your favorite choice is your best choice. Your niche is your business. It is your baby, and you are going to love it.   

STEP 2: Build A Website - This is Your Online Presence

With little to none in starter cost, or know-how, you can build your own website in Wealthy Affiliate. And from this  platform, you can build and grow a business. Is any of this possible with brick and mortar?

STEP 3: Get Traffic - Attract Your Audience to Your Website (SEO)

There are multiple ways to build traffic to your website. In Wealthy Affiliate, you will meet experts in  every online field, who are dedicated to their business’s success and to yours.

STEP 4: Accomplish Your Online Goals - Money or Other - Passion is Power

Is your goal to build a business and make great money? Or would you create a platform from which you can share your vision, be that through a blog, a book, or a podcast?

Everything You Need on One Platform At Wealthy Affiliate


I cannot properly describe how important this is: Find everything you need on one platform. Some of you are new to online marketing, but more than a few of you have been down this path before, and you will know what I am talking about.

A short testimonial: When I started to seriously look into affiliate marketing, I was greener than springtime. I had no idea how many choices were available, good or bad. I was eager. And I was gullible. I was also fortunate because I did not fall for a really expensive plan. Because they are definitely out there. Upsell after upsell! Nothing I bought worked without another upgrade. 

Wealthy Affiliate is all inclusive.  

You really won’t need to go anywhere else to build a beautiful, successful and long-term online business.


For Everyone Who Needs the Web


Built For Affiliate Marketers, Bloggers, Freelancers, Agencies, Authors, Personal and Etcetera


he link below will take you to a membership pricing page. Here you can view the different levels of membership, including the free one.

I have never regretted the decision to upgrade to Premium Plus. There are a host of reasons, but for me, it was because of the expert, quality series classes presented by the super-affiliates. I guess they are so-named, super-affiliates, because they possess super-powers. And in the area of affiliate marketing, it seems to me, they surely do.


See You in School!

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember.

Involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin